Sunday, March 22, 2009


Its funny, no matter how long you have been a Christian, Christ Follower, you still find where there is so much more than you can ever obtain. This morning Artie preached a really good message about Spiritual Warfare. I think sometimes I get so caught up in "working for Him" that I forget to seek Him. There is a spiritual depth that I hunger for so much. I told a friend that it is like going into the ocean. When you dive in and look around under the water its beautiful but the deeper you go,,,, the more you see such beauty,,,,beauty you have never imagined. That is what I want to go so deep that I see spiritual beauty that I have never imagined. I can imagine Him using me in different ways but there is so much more. More than my mind can hold. But it is something that I have to go after. Its like sitting at a table where there is more food than you can dream. You are so hungry but until you reach out, pick up what is before you and put it to your mouth it will never satisfy that hunger. It takes effort on my part. I have to be willing to take the time to reach for and seek it.
Oh God, please here my cry. I want so much more than what I now have, more than I see,,,,,I want more of you and your fullness. A fullness that never satisfies but keeps me coming back for more. Guide me in my dive to go deeper in you.
In the name of Your Son,

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


You know I never really realized how many time Friend or Friends are talked about in the Bible.
I guess the most famous one was David and Johnathan but there are so many more. Some were good friends some were not so good. I am so blessed t0 have three close friends like Job did but thank God they are not the same kind of friends that Job had. I know mine would never say I deserved what I got. They love me enough that they will tell me if they see me going in the wrong direction but will do it with love. Proverbs 17:17 says "A friend loves at all times". That is when things are good and when they are not so good. When I am happy or when I cry. They would even sit and cry with me if needed. They are such a blessing. I think the best friends happen kinda by accident. I didn't set out to become "best friends" with these 3 but as I found
I could trust them it just happened. Now I have lots of "just friends" but my special 3 are in a whole category of itself. One is a married lady who has become my sister. She is a only child and I have never been close to my only sister so we fill that void in each others life. One is a married man. I love him and his wife with all my heart. He and I have become close, in part I feel, because of not only a love of music but because we have a spiritual drawing that lets us lean on each other spiritually. Every one need a countability partner and we have that kind of relationship. I call him my brother because even though he is my spiritual brother it goes beyond that. ( He is prob. the only one of the 3 who will read this. Just know I love you Bro.)
The third is a man who is unmarried. We can talk to each other about almost anything. He is someone I just enjoy talking to and being with. And he has taught me so much about myself and he has no idea about it. I know God put us together as friends so we can also lean on each other.
We so often think about God sending the Mr. Right husband or Ms. Right wife into our lives but He wants to guide all our relationships. Even the ones we may not see until we are in them. I thank Him for what he has given me in my friends. I only hope I can be as good a friend to them as they have been to me. God Bless You Guys!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Unexpected Peace

How can you explain Gods peace. It seems like a simple question but there is so much to it.
I am going though something now that no one knows about but God. Sometimes that is the way it is. No one else knows, and no one else needs to know. There is something I have been praying about for over a year. Every time I ask God about it its almost like He "beats around the bush". Never directly answering my question but just giving me enough to keep me waiting and hoping. And now, well, I am still no closer to the answer. And what I thought was the answer may soon disappear from the picture altogether . But because I TRULY do want HIS will I have found my self satisfied in His answers even though they don't seem to be enough when I ask. Still I have a peace that I cant explain. I really thought that at this point I would be a sobbing mess. But I don't feel that way. I have come to the conclusion that if what I THOUGHT was His will is not then He has so much more for me. Its kinda like asking for a bowl of cereal but you only get one or two pieces at a time. It still satisfies your desire but you still think you want it all now even though you may not be able to balance the bowl now. But each time He gives you a little taste of what you desire it satisfies and gives peace that you almost cant figure where it came from. I guess that is "Peace that pass' all understanding". I sure don't understand it. There was a time when I didn't want to feel that peace because I wanted what I wanted at any cost. Thank God He knows all things, sees a lot further down the road and doesn't always give us what we want. Will I ever get what I ask for? I know I will. He promised it. But it may not be the way I think it will come. Which is even better. I love surprises.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

To wait or not to wait?

To wait or not to wait?

If you read my blog on "Looking for Mr. Right" then you know that I, like some of you, want a romantic relationship with someone. And this is kinda what this is about.
God sometimes speaks to me in dreams and He recently answered a question I had ask in that way. I ask "If you told me what to expect from the "right man" why do I not know who he is and why is he not here?" ( I kinda sound like a child, 'why, why, why' dont I)
I want go into all the detalis but in the dream it was a man, whom I didn't reconize who, but was apparently friends with. ( Extra thought: If you cant be friends first are you sure its someone you want to be with long term?) We were enjoying each others company playing and laughing but when we seemed to be going toward being more than friends he left. Because of a past relationship that he was still hurting over, God told me "he is not ready" Now I dont know if he had recently ended a relationship, was married and widowed or divorced or just still was carring a torch for someone. But the question is do I sit and wait or try to do it myself?
OK lets weight the options. I know what God has promised me. I do not doubt it at all. And if I wait I may still be by myself for a while but when God does allow us to be together it will be all He promised me and more. I try on my own to make something happen and pray that it is "Gods Will"? I guess you know the answer. What is the old saying.....Only fools rush in?????
So I decide to wait and plan my life until then. I think of where I want to be 5 years from now. What do I see myself doing, where will I be living and who are my friends going to be? OK I think I have it settled in my head then guess what Jay preaches about Sunday....Having a plan for your life. (A good friend who I had shared this with was looking around trying to make eye contact because she reallized the connection at the same time I did .) We all need goals but goals that include God. So many times we dont think about including Him in not only our spiritual walk but in our finances, relationships and possessions. We seem to only include him in our "needs" but not our "wants" I dont know about you but my God wants every part of my life. Yep, He wants it all, the good, the bad, and the ugly!
So I guess I will, once again, just wait and work toward some goals in the rest of my life knowing the best is yet to come if God is sending it!!
Mama V


I am not one of those people who are constantly writing blogs,,,,,,,,,,,, just because. It is usually something I have experenced or God has layed it on my heart to say something. I guess this is a little of both. Most of you who will read this know me well and know my past. Even though we can not use our past as an excuse, there are somethings that still have an effect on us because we let it. We either dont see it, dont know what to do about it or just dont care because we use it as a crutch.
And I guess I fall into the catagory of "not seeing it" this time. God and I have what some may see as a strange conversation arrangement. I dont "say my prayers" in the morning or evening. I talk to God in the morning as if He were sitting beside me. I dont start off with "My wonderful Heavenly Father, We Come To You This Morning,,," I just start talking. And at night I dont say Good Night because He never sleeps but is always there watching over me. Now I know to some that sounds to forward and un-"religous" But its God and my conversation so He is the only one who counts.
Anyway, recently while I was driving home one morning from work, I was talking with Him about where I am in my life. I had not realized it but over the past 8 years of my life I had come to a place where I didn't think I would ever be able to trust again. Esepecially trust a man, because I had not only been betrayed by ladies who I thought were close friends but also by the one who I trusted more than anyone else in the world. Those things sometimes eat at you even if you dont see it. I have always been a trusting soul, maybe even to much, but I found myself more cautious when it comes to trusting others. There are times God puts people in your life for your betterment even though you may not see it. And this is what He did for me. As I was driving I realized that there is someone, a man, that I had come to trust with just about anything I want to say or share and I dont worry about hearing it some where else.
When I realized this God spoke to me and told me " I allowed you to find trust again through" this person. But it has come over time. We have been friends for a while but its just recently that this became clear to me. (For those of you who are curious, this man and I are just really good friends, but he is someone I can count on even just to listen when I feel like whining. (And if he reads this, Thank you for that)
Someone ask me once "If you are wanting a relationship with someone are you not suppose to trust them" Well that depends on what you think trust is. There is a blind trust that is totally gulible and is just riding on a wing and a prayer. But real trust is earned. If you say trust me then I will,,,,,,,until something doesn't feel,look or smell right. Then you must prove it to me by your actions. Over time. I have found my friends who were always telling me to turst them or "Its just between you and me" Are usuall the ones who you CAN'T trust. A flip side of that is if someone is always saying "Please dont tell anyone this" then that person is probaly not someone you should tell your heart secrets to.
We should be willing to trust but not always trust. God doesn't expect us to always put our hearts on a tight rope and watch it bob back and forth or fall. He expects us to use wisdom .
On the other hand, if someone has proven to you time and time again, had been there when you were not the nicest person in the world but still comes back and knows the "real you" but loves you inspite of it all.......hold on to them because they are not so easy to find. Dont let your own insecurities of fears distroy something that may be God sent. Just keep praying about it. If God sends that person in your life you will find you can TRUST them because you turst God.
As my peeps call me,
Mama V

"I am a Christian"

"I am a Christian"
by Maya Angelou

This is Beautiful, enjoy.

When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin'"
I'm whispering "I was lost, Now I'm found and forgiven."

When I say... "I am a Christian" I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.

When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.

When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible but, God believes I am worth it.

When I say... "I am a Christian" I still feel the sting of pain..
I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.

When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner Who received God's good grace, somehow!

"A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ
that a man should have to seek Him first to find her."

Helpful Holy Spirit

This was written by a very dear friend who has only been a christian for a couple of years but has learned so much over that period, and is still learning. Some times the things that seem so simple and "well known" to us are so strange to others. Read and see what I mean.
Helpful Holy Spirit
This was written by a friend and I thought it was well worth posting. So many times we forget that we often see the light when we are on our knees. Enjoy!
Just wanted to tell something that happened a few days ago. I was working at my bench, setting a diamond in a ring. The mounting was old and I was having some difficulty getting the diamond straight and level, one side kept wanting to pop back up so I pushed down on that side with my tweezers and the diamond popped out of the setting, hit me in the chest then bounced off my thigh before disappearing. It was a small diamond and I knew it would be difficult to find so I slowly got out of my chair and carefully moved it out of the way then began my search. I stood still just looking to see if the light would reflect off of it revealing it’s hiding place, but saw nothing sparkling. I thought to myself "I bet the Holy Spirit would show me where it is, if I’d ask, but I don’t feel right asking Him something so trivial" then the tweezers I still had in my hand slipped and fell, bounced off of my leg and landed between my bench and a propane tank. It’s a tight little space, maybe a gap of two or three inches between them. I thought "wouldn’t it be cool if that’s where the diamond is and it was the Holy Spirit’s way of showing me?" so I bent down and picked up the tweezers and looked around for the diamond but did not see it. By the way, this was on the left side of my bench and when the diamond fell it hit my right thigh so I was pretty sure it would be on the floor somewhere to the right, so that is where I was concentrating my efforts. I was down on my hands and knees by this time and from that angle I saw something sparkle out of the corner of my eye .... it was the diamond! Need I tell you where? Yep, beside the propane tank right where my tweezers had landed! When I was looking straight down the light was not reflecting the way I could see it, I had to be down on my hands and knees.I think this just shows that not only is no problem too large for Him to handle, but also nothing is too small or trivial to ask of Him nor does it hurt getting on your knees once in a while!