Sunday, March 22, 2009


Its funny, no matter how long you have been a Christian, Christ Follower, you still find where there is so much more than you can ever obtain. This morning Artie preached a really good message about Spiritual Warfare. I think sometimes I get so caught up in "working for Him" that I forget to seek Him. There is a spiritual depth that I hunger for so much. I told a friend that it is like going into the ocean. When you dive in and look around under the water its beautiful but the deeper you go,,,, the more you see such beauty,,,,beauty you have never imagined. That is what I want to go so deep that I see spiritual beauty that I have never imagined. I can imagine Him using me in different ways but there is so much more. More than my mind can hold. But it is something that I have to go after. Its like sitting at a table where there is more food than you can dream. You are so hungry but until you reach out, pick up what is before you and put it to your mouth it will never satisfy that hunger. It takes effort on my part. I have to be willing to take the time to reach for and seek it.
Oh God, please here my cry. I want so much more than what I now have, more than I see,,,,,I want more of you and your fullness. A fullness that never satisfies but keeps me coming back for more. Guide me in my dive to go deeper in you.
In the name of Your Son,

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