Sunday, March 15, 2009

Im not sick, just broken

I'm not sick, just broken
I have been reading a very good book and one of the situations in the book was a man who had had an encounter with God like never before. He tells of a friend who was a strong Christian always trying to work for God but never really taking time to see what God wanted him to do. He was in a accident and the driver was only slightly hurt but he had quit a few brakes and a few other injuries. The Dr. come to see him one day while doing his rounds and was shocked to see that this man had no fevor. He was not sick in anyway other than the brakes. The Dr. said "You are looking really good for a sick man.". The man replied "I'm not sick, just broken."I thought about this quite a lot and even though I am sure the Dr. didn't really understand what he was saying, that statement is full of a lot of spiritual value.Sick-ill: unwell, having disease, harmful, unkind.As Christians our soul is the most important part of our being. What difference is there in a sick soul and a broken soul? A broken soul can mend when it is guided in the right way. When there is a break it is because of an accident or an effort to make what is wrong, right. Sometimes we have to keep reminding ourselves, after we see a problem in our live, that all is in Gods hands and we can correct the problem by submitting to HIS WILL. It takes action on our part to take care of the problem/break. Not that God doesn't have part in correcting our breaks, it is He who points out what our problems are. But up to us to make sure tha problem is taken care of.A sick soul can do major damage, can cause spiritual death and can only be healed by the Great Physician. When we are sick it is our life itself that can be at risk. Either because some organ is not working properly or because our body has been invaded by something from out side, (bacteria, germs, ex.). Our souls are sick when sin has invaded our soul. Sometimes we may not even be aware of what is happening until we have become severly ill of soul. Cancer is often not detected until it has caused un-repairable damage. And that is something we can not take care of ourselves.To keep from getting sick we must get regular checkups. Be aware of our habits or anything that may be putting us in harms way. For a Christian sin doesn't become a deathly illness over night. It takes time of neglecting your soul and the food which sustains us and makes us strong. One song writer desccribes it as a slow fade. We are all susceptible to being sick or broken. We must be responsible for our own souls, not the preacher or teacher or our praying parents. US. We must do all we can to keep sin out of our lives and by doing so avoid being 'soul sick'.

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